Conte de printemps

Thank you! Thanks for putting them
in my room.

I'm so touched.
No one's bought me flowers in a long time.
Did I wake you this morning?
-No, I slept till 9:00.
-That's all?

It's a good thing, your father came.
To pick up his suits.
I should've told you,
but I completely forgot.

Were you up?
Barely, I was in the shower.
You didn't see him?
Yes, because I had the silly notion...
:30:36 rush into the room to get my things.
Almost! In just a towel.
Who knows what he thought....
At the time, I didn't look at him.
I don't think he looked at me.
So you almost didn't see each other?
I did when he left.
I was dressed.
That reminds me,
he gave me a message for you.

He's going to Rome,
he'll come Thursday at 7:00 p.m...

:31:01 drop off his suitcase.
I suppose he was very, very nice?
More than you would imagine.
He kept apologizing,
which made me more embarrassed.

I felt very awkward.
I felt like I was intruding.
But I invited you!
That's what he said, but I realized
I was kicking him out of his own room.

He doesn't live here!
It's still his room.
It doesn't seem neglected.
It's in order, as though he lived there.

I'm aware of the way people
organize their things...

...since I'm incredibly fussy about it.
For example, earlier, I sat here...
:31:48 correct papers
because I didn't want to move...

...even an inch,
the papers and books on his desk.

It's best not to touch his work.
But for the rest, it doesn't matter.
I'll say it again: Stay as long as you like.
