It's so beautiful!
It doesn't seem abandoned to me.
My father took good care of it last year.
I'm afraid that this year he may not.
It's silly, I'm afraid I'll crush the flowers.
You'll get your feet wet!
Wait, I'll lend you a pair of boots.
Don't mind the wallpaper.
My mother put it up. I don't like it...
...but we haven't had time to redo it.
I don't hate it, I like the colors.
This is your room.
The stone walls are so pretty.
Yes, and they help make privacy.
Come see my room!
I thought primroses blossomed later.
It's the season,
but the violets are already done.
It's charming now. The grass is short...
...but if we don't take care of it,
by June it's a jungle.
The trellis needs to be painted,
it's starting to rust.
This is my favorite part of the garden.
My mother didn't like it.
She wanted to cut down the trees.
Why do you laugh?
I've noticed you almost never talk
about your mother.
When you do, it's to criticize her.
I criticize her the way she criticized me.
There was no pleasing her.
Now it's over. We live far apart...
...and she tends to leave me alone.
Do you think I'm being mean?
I do respect her.
I know if she criticized me...