This is a workout!
Almost there!
My Amazon is covered in fog!
You can't see anything!
Stop shaking the flowers,
you'll knock them off.
Come over here,
I don't want to get insecticide on you.
I think we did enough for today.
We'll paint the trellis next time.
-Are you free next Sunday?
-Yes, Mathieu won't be back yet.
-lf he is, he can come.
-No, he won't be there.
He can come another time.
He's a decent handyman.
That'll show Dad!
We'll show him
that we can get along without him.
Are you sure he won't come?
The way he's been traveling...
...when he's back, all he wants to do
is see his sweetheart.
-But he could bring her.
She doesn't really want to.
She gets bored here.
Mostly, I don't want her here.
You don't have to be here.
The idea that she could be here,
with or without me, makes me sick.
-It's like a desecration.
-Aren't you overreacting?
To think of her walking
where I walked as a child...
...of her smelling the same flowers,
sitting in the same chair...
...where my mother,
yes, my mother, held me on her lap....
I hope you're joking!
It's illogical, but sometimes I think
of my mother with nostalgia.
You forbid your father...
...to live with a woman,
and you say you love him?
Any other woman, no!
With you, for example,
I wouldn't mind at all!
I'd be delighted.
Too bad that won't happen.
You didn't tell me
what you thought of him.