Conte de printemps

...he lent it to her,
without my knowledge, obviously.

She didn't return it right away.
She kept it for a while,
and, what is worse, wore it.

One day, either unconsciously
or as an insult...

...she came, when I was there,
wearing the necklace.

I thought my father had given it to her.
I was furious.

Not because I wanted it...
...I didn't know
what my father had planned...

...but because it was a family jewel...
...and personally, I feel that Eve
isn't part of the family.

The day before my birthday...
...Dad asked me if I'd seen the necklace.
He looked upset.

"The last time I saw it, Eve was wearing it.
"l thought you gave it to her."
He answered, "I'd never do that.
"l just lent it to her.
I wanted to give it to you.

"She gave it to me one morning.
"l put it in my pocket to bring home.
"l know I had it when I came in,
then I can't remember."

According to him,
it was in the pocket of his trousers...

...where he keeps his keys.
When he took out his keys
he felt it in his pocket...

...and thought the first thing he'd do...
...was put it back in the jewelry box.
The telephone rang, he went to answer...
...he forgot about the necklace
and changed his suit.

If the necklace was in his pocket,
it could've fallen out.

That's what seems obvious.
The problem is,
it wasn't on the floor of the closet.

Or anywhere else.
Not in the closet,
not in the bedroom, nor anywhere else.

Are you sure your father's telling the truth?
How sure can we be of anything?
Why would he make up
such a complicated story...

...and say he wanted to give it to me
when he wanted to give it to her?

There's a better explanation.
When I came home, a few days earlier...
...I found Eve making my father
try on his old suits.

He tends to accumulate things
and she helps him sort them out.

One of her rare good points.
It's quite possible that she,
when rifling through the closet...
