We can brag about being bad at math,
but not philosophy.
Everyone thinks that their philosophy
is better than the others.
They're not mad,
it's the teacher that's wrong.
You need to show them
that the philosophy you're teaching...
...is capable of broadening their own,
and won't replace it.
It's difficult and fascinating work.
That doesn't mean, as you might think...
...amusing them with pop philosophy...
...psychoanalysis, social science,
all that stuff.
I plunge them into hard-core philosophy.
As it's not familiar, they're curious.
By "hard-core" philosophy,
do you mean metaphysics?
Not exactly.
Because once again...
...for the "big questions":
...God, the universe, freedom...
...they have answers.
Naive ones, but answers nonetheless.
It's what I'd call transcendental philosophy.
Yes, Kant! You make them read Kant?
I don't refer to authors specifically,
at least at the beginning.
I try to make them think
about thought itself...
...the act of thinking.
I use the term transcendental
in a general sense.
Does that include Husserl's interpretation?
Of course.
And for you?
-What does "transcendental" mean?
What she said,
a philosophy placed on the highest peak...
...which surpasses all points of view,
transcends them.
That's not it.
You're confusing "transcendental"
and "transcendent," like 99% of people.
Then there's nothing shameful about it.
That didn't stop me--
From getting an "A", I know.
I only got a "B", myself.
Don't be mad,
I just wanted to show Jeanne...
...that that's not what we learn
in philosophy class.
I'm not mad, I'm going to get the dish.
Excuse me for having used such jargon.
I could have said it another way.