Words don't matter.
Your students can follow you
in that kind of thinking?
They follow and even lead.
Dad, can you help me?
For example...
...with five or six students, I started...
...a maieutic dialogue,
like in Plato's Theaetus.
Is science perception?
Do we see through our eyes or with them?
While I didn't want to get too involved...
...we found ourselves questioning...
...the possibility
of synthetic a priori judgments...
...Iike in the Critique of Pure Reason.
You were saying, your students....
Question the possibility
of synthetic a priori judgments!
Yes, anyway....
Do you know what a synthetic
a priori judgment is?
If I knew, I forgot. And you?
Yes. A synthetic a priori judgment...
...is one that, while a priori,
is not analytical.
To be more precise, excuse the jargon...
...it's a judgment in which the predicate
isn't inherent in the subject.
For example?
Let's use Kant's example.
"All bodies are extended in space,"
is an analytical judgment.
But "All bodies are heavy,"
is a synthetic judgment...
...but a posteriori,
because the idea of weight...
...is not contained in the subject idea,
but validated by experience.
And "synthetic a priori"?
"All bodies are...."
What example does Kant use?
Kant's example is: "Everything
that happens has a cause."
We can also use mathematical
propositions. When I say:
"A straight line is the shortest path
between two points,"...
...it doesn't stem from the concept
of straightness nor from experience.
Yes, because space is an a priori form
of perception.
You didn't forget a thing!
-You learned that, at least?
-I told you, no.
Maybe it was discussed,
but I wasn't there, or I wasn't listening.
That didn't stop me from getting an "A".