The other day,
Jeanne and I went to the country.
-It's a marvelous place.
-It's in a nice area.
We started working on the garden.
We couldn't paint the trellis
because it was raining...
...but I sprayed insecticide everywhere.
Everything was wet,
so I don't know if it'll work.
We'll do it again another time.
You sprayed more on me
than on the flowers!
When are you planning on going?
I need to know,
otherwise I'll ask my friends to help.
As soon as possible.
There's no need to bother your friends,
unless they'd like to.
-Next Saturday?
-Why not? Okay with you?
I can't, I have an article to finish.
-You can finish it there.
-That'll be hard. Go without me.
Will you be coming, Natacha?
I thought so,
but I made other plans for next Saturday.
That shouldn't stop you from going.
That's nice, but I have plans, too.
Actually, it's more
of an unavoidable obligation.
My cousin asked me to dinner.
It seems as if no one's going.
I'll go.
I'll go alone, it wouldn't be the first time.
-I've never stopped you from going.
-Me, neither.
I want to show you something.
Excuse me, Eve.
What was your thesis on?
What is it?
...in relation to Jansenism.
What interests me....
I watered the plants on the balcony.
-I'd have done it.
-You're in a hurry.