Conte de printemps

Unless Jeanne wants to take a break?
No, I'm fine.
I've never seen anyone
smoking while cooking.

I know it's not proper,
but I'm being careful.

Don't worry, I won't get ashes in the food.
I knew it!
All I have to do is brag about something
and bang!

I'm sorry, I hope one less slice
of potato won't make a difference.

One less cigarette won't make a difference!
You're right, I've a brand-new pack.
Stop it.
Don't worry, I'll smoke it over there.
I'm sick of peeling potatoes.
Not that plate!
Let go, you'll break it!
Let me go!
Don't you know it's an antique plate?
Perhaps the oldest thing we have.
So? If it broke,
it would have been your fault!

Is that any way to act?
You could've asked nicely.

You weren't holding it,
it might've shattered.

In all my life,
I've broken fewer things than you.

A plate is not an ashtray.
It's not my fault if there are no ashtrays!
When there are no ashtrays,
one doesn't smoke!

What kind of a dictatorship is this?
I wonder how your guests survive.
Perhaps, because you never have guests.
You should sell this shack!
It's too kind of lgor to take care of it...
:13:33 bother to paint a bit of metal...
...just to make you happy.
Since you're here, we don't need to stay.
We're going back to Paris.
That's the most sensible thing
she's ever said!

I'm glad they're leaving.
We don't need them!

What is it? You don't agree?
I think you're exaggerating a little.
