Conte de printemps

If that's what you're mad about,
I was wrong.

What I said was, he wouldn't come alone.
He did come, but with Eve.
Believe me, he'd never have come alone.
That's not my opinion.
If that's your opinion, keep it to yourself,
it's not my fault.

I wanted to be alone with you.
I don't see why I'd have gone there
if I knew the others would come.

I don't know why this is so important to you.
I made a mistake. It happens!
I mistook my wishes for reality.
I want to believe you.
You want to believe me?
Why wouldn't you believe me?
I believe you.
I see. Perhaps my father told you...
...he'd called me to say he was coming?
I don't have to believe him!
I don't have to believe you, but I do!
What are you getting at?
I'd really like to know.

You think I organized all this
to leave you alone with my father.

You must think I'm very clever,
but I'm completely innocent!

-What about me?
-Not you!

The fact that you'd accuse me
shows that you're not.

You accused Eve about the necklace.
I don't see the connection.
Unless you're accusing me
of plotting something?

To have hidden it myself?
You're crazy, Natacha!
Why don't you go all the way,
while you're at it?

You say you're my friend,
and you see me as an enemy.

You don't even try to see my true reasons,
which have nothing to do with that.

I have my own problems, and so do you.
I wasn't even thinking
about you and my father!

You're discreet,
you'll understand if I am, too.

I don't talk about it, but it exists!
If William came, it only had to do with us.
Not as part of some intricate plot!
