- Writer's block?
- No, Emory.
That happens to authors
after 80 or 100 years
of writing complicated novels.
You write slogans that
go next to pictures in magazines.
- Nobody runs out of those.
- It's more complicated than that.
Ads may be a more vital stimulus
than we realise.
Can I see the Chrysler proofs?
How much can you say about a Chrysler
and still be honest?
Nobody cares about Lee lacocca.
He's like an annoying relative
who keeps coming over to eat.
- He runs the company!
- I don't even like Chryslers.
They're not sporty. The people
who drive them don't look normal.
Let's face it, Steve.
You and I lie for a living.
It's not easy for me
to digest that any more.
Excuse me.
Do you want to tell me anything?
I mean, is everything OK with Cheri?
OK-er than ever.
For crying out loud...
You're my partner
and you have a responsibility to me.
We're in a critical spot and I need
to know if you're having a problem.
I love my work. I have to position
the products right in my mind.
Hook, I need the right hook,
that's all.
We need Chrysler,
Volvo, Jaguar, AT&T,
that Greek tourist bureau
and United Airlines. You have 24 hours.
- Great.
- I'm trusting you.
I love trust.
Trust is a beautiful thing.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to meander down this way.
It's 127 flights.