Then ask for what you want.
Maybe... I want help.
Nobody ever asked us for help before.
Well, I was an ad man, an ad writer.
Now my ads are successful.
They're not going to pay my insurance
unless I start writing again.
We could write ads with you.
This session is taking on
a Little Rascals feel.
- You could send them in and stay.
- I don't think that would work.
It could.
Who here wants to be an ad man?
- Who here wants to be a fire engine?
- Me!
- I know we could do it.
- Do? We'd have to do things?
- Negativo.
- Forget it.
- Hello plus.
- We can't do things.
We're maniacs. Ask around.
I'm telling you, we can do things.
We can do it together.
- Can we write an ad now?
- Sure.
Wow! I'm fired up!
- How about a car ad?
- Great.
I got one for Porsche.
"Hey, man. Buy a Porsche." Anything?
"Hey, man. Buy a Porsche."
That is interesting.
- He said I was interesting.
- I heard.
How about this?
"Hello. Buy a Porsche."
Hey, I thought up "hello". That's mine.
- That was mine.
- Yes, "hello" was George's.
- You guys really want to do this?
- Yes!