And, Hatchet-Face. Oh, honey.
You're just like me.
Now, you put the "T" in "tough."
So hard, you could've been
eating nails for breakfast.
But that's the way a
woman's got to be these days.
I'd kick a Square's ass for
you in a minute, Mrs. Rickettes.
Oh, this is the best gang
my grandson could ever have.
Grandma, I'm so happy all knocked up
I wish I was having triplets.
Well, we got a little surprise
for your young one in your oven.
You show her, Bel.
Sure will.
(Cry-Baby) Oh, Pep, ain't that cute?
It's beautiful, Grandma.
When you was a boy, you had
to be the man of this family.
But I taught you how to dress, didn't I?
You sure did, Uncle Belvedere.
Yeah, well, you're the future now, boy.
You're the only future for
this godforsaken family.
And I want you to go out
there tonight and sing, boy.
I want you to sing your heart out.
You can show him now, Belvedere.
This took a lot of hubcaps, Cry-Baby.
[All cheering]
Grandmother, Uncle Belvedere,
you've made me the happiest
juvenile delinquent in Baltimore.