Order! Order!
No wonder your children are in trouble.
And you, Miss Malnorowski...
By the way, that's a
shame about your face.
There's nothing the matter with my face.
I got character.
I see that your parents
haven't taken the trouble
to come to get you.
(Mr. Malnorowski) Oh, yes, we did.
You happy now, Mona? You finally did it.
You put your own mother in an iron lung.
Mrs. Malnorowski,
there is no smoking in this courtroom.
Why not?
I pay taxes on cigarettes, don't I?
And what do I get for those taxes?
Happiness? Hell, no.
I get tuberculosis.
Oh, Christ! Now I got a flat tire.
I'm going to release these delinquents
to their parents' custody.
And if they were mine,
I'd give them a bare-assed whipping.
Ramona and Belvedere Rickettes,
I find you guilty of
disturbing the peace
and I fine the both of you $1,000.
That's all we have.
How are we supposed to live?
Damn you. Handcuff those brats.
Don't touch my children.
(judge) And you, Pepper Walker,
I'm going to have your two children
put in the custody of
the Chatterbox Orphanage,
until they're adopted
by God-fearing parents
who at least will give
them Christian names.
(Pepper) Not my children.
They're my flesh and blood.
They're all I have! Mrs. Tadlock.
Get away from them.
[All clamoring]
Don't you touch them!
Come on.