so lacking as it is...
in pride, genius
the lyrical and picturesque
in spark, spunk, in brief: in nose.
So take a boot instead to your backside
Help! Call the Guard!
A warning...
to you who find my coutenance
a source of sport.
Be you noble, my swift response
is different altogether.
I strike with steel...and not leather!
He's a bit of a bore.
A braggart.
Who shall it be, gentlemen?
Nobody? Wait, you can leave it to me.
That thing of yours...
is ...
very big.
That's all?
Nothing more? There are fifty score
varieties of comment. Nay, more.
Just change the tone. For example:
Aggressive: ''A nose in such a state
I'd amputate.''
Friendly: ''It must dip in your cup
You need a crane to hoist it up.''
Descriptive: ''A rock, a bluff, a cape!''
''No, a peninsula in size and shape!''
Curious: ''What is that oblong?
''A writing desk or am I wrong?''
Gracious: ''Are you food of birds?
''You provide a gothic perch
for them...''
''to rest their feet.''
Truculent: ''A smoker? I suppose...''
The fumes gush out from that nose
like a chimney on fire.''
Kind: ''It will drag you in the mire
head-first with its weight.''
Tender: ''I'll have an umbrella made
to give it some summer shade.''
Pedant: ''The beast of Aristophanes
the hippocampocamalelephunt...''