''had flesh and bone like that up front''
Drama: ''It bleeds like the Red Sea.''
''What a sign for a perfumery.''
''Ah, Triton rising from the waters.''
''How much to view the monument?''
Warlike: ''Train it on the cavalry!''
Practical: ''Put that in a lottery
for noses and it'll be first prize.''
And finally, with sighs and cries...
in language deeply felt:
''O that this too too...''
''solid nose would melt.''
That is what you could have said
or had an ounce of wit in your head.
But you've no letters
save the three
required to describe you: S.O.T.
Had you the wit required...
to serve me before the crowd
a dish of words...
so proud...
not a phrase
would have passed your lips.
For although the words may fit
I'd never let you get away with it.
Valvert, leave him!
Arrogant, base nonentity
without even a pair of gloves
let alone the ribbons and lace
a noble loves!
My elegance is interior.
I do not go out feeling inferior
from an insult...
which on the exterior
leaves its mark of warning
in libel and scruples in mourning.
I step out...
smelling of scrubbed liberty
and polished independance. Come see!
Let him be!
About gloves, you have me there.
I had one left over from a pair,
which a was very attached to.
I left it planted
on someone's cheek.
Cad, villain, clod...flatfooted fool!
And I'm Cyrano Savinien Hercule
de Bergerac.