Your cousin?
Wonderful! Tell her you love her!
Tonight you're with glory covered.
Look and tell me what exuberance
I have with this protuberance.
I'm under no illusion.
True sometimes, bemused by the night
I see far off in the silver light
a lady on the arm of her knight.
I dream of walking out
in the silver glow
with a lady so.
I get carried away.
I pray.
I forget all
then see my shadow on the wall.
My friend...
My friend...
why should Fate allot
such ugliness, such loneliness?
You cry?
Oh no, that would be intolerable.
A tear on this nose, horrible!
I saw Roxane's face tonight.
For your duel it was ghostly white.
Your skill and courage ravished her.
Now dare to speak.
So she can laugh at me?
There's nothing I fear more.
Do they want you?
Her maid!
Sir, your cousin wishes to know
if you can meet in private tomorrow.
She has things to say.
To me? Oh, my God.
After mass, where could you talk?
Where? I...er...Oh, my God.
Quickly please.
At Ragueneau's...the pastrycook.
In...oh, my God...
in the rue Saint-Honore.
She'll be there. You be there. At seven
I'll be there.