I put the rubbish to use.
Sacrilege, woman!
You insult our poetic Muse.
You defile verse.
It's all it's good for!
What would you do with prose?
Ah, my boy.
What do you want?
Three pies.
Here we are, good and hot.
Please...wrap them up.
In a bag?
Well of course.
''Like Ulysees,
the day he left Penelope...''
Not that one.
''Blond Phoebus...'' No!
Make your mind up.
All right, all right!
Give me the poem
and you'll take six pies home.
Butter has smeared her sweet name.
What time is it?
Oh, my God!
Seven o'clock.
What a fight that was last night.
Which one?
In verse!
Ah, the duel.
In verse!
He's obsessed.
''At the poem's end...''
Not again!
''I hit. At the poem's end...''
Lovely! ''At the poem's end...''
The time?
Seven o'clock.
''I hit''. What a ballade!
Have you hurt your hand?
It's just a graze.
Some trouble or other?
No trouble.
I think you're lying.
Can I be alone with someone here?
I'm afraid not. My poets are coming.
For their first meal!