Cyrano de Bergerac

I can find words for an attack.
It's simple, military wit.
But...with women I become tongue-tied.
Their eyes look kindly on me.
But your words destroy you.
I can't talk.
I can.
But it's the looks I lack, see?
Oh, to speak with elegance.
Oh, to be a handsome musketeer.
Roxane is precieuse, demanding
charming. I need wit...and eloquence.

I'll lend you it!
And I'll borrow your good looks.
We'll be a hero for storybooks.
Can you learn by heart what I teach?
You mean...
You fear chilling her heart...
Will you or won't you?
Your look scares me.
Will you?
What's in it for you?
It...would amuse me!
A tempting challenge for a poet.
Together as one, we can do it.
I'll be at your side you my beauty,
me your guide.

That letter she wants! I can't...
Here it is! It just needs signing.
Don't worry. You can send it.
In a poet's pocket, you often find
the product of an active mind.

Take it, you'll see. Take it.
It's very eloquent.

Will it suit her?
Like a pair of gloves.
Her love is such that
she'll believe this is for her.

Dear friend!
