They are coming into everyone's country.
I think they will soon be in ours.
This white man
who lives at the old soldier fort....
I have visited him
and I believe his heart is a good one.
I am afraid of the white man at the fort.
I am afraid he will tell others that I am here.
I am afraid they will try to take me away.
I've heard they take people away.
Every warrior in camp
would fight them if they tried.
I cannot make the white man language.
He cannot speak Sioux.
It has been a long time since I made the talk.
I want you to try.
I don't know how.
Yes, you do.
I can't.
I can't. It's dead in me.
I don't ask this for myself.
I ask this for all the people.
He knows things about the whites
which we do not.
Now, you must remember.
I can't.
Will she make the white words?
She won't try. She is being difficult.
Well, she's the one who's crying.
Perhaps the difficulty is yours.