Dances with Wolves

Sit, sit.
There's talk that you want to get married.
To who?
To Stands With A Fist.
That's the one, isn't it?
She's in mourning.
Not today.
Kicking Bird has released her.
He did?
What are you doing here?
Kicking Bird told me to wait.
You might have to wait a long time.
Smiles A Lot says he saw Kicking Bird
riding on the prairie.

He says he was talking to himself.
A medicine man takes it pretty hard...
...when he is the last to know something.
What do I do?
You are pretty poor
and a Sioux girl is not for free.

I don't know if you can get married.
I have the buckskin....
No, that's too much medicine.
Do you think my horse is too much medicine?
For a girl.
Wait here. Maybe we can help you.
That's all I do is wait!
