Why are you out of uniform?
What's the army doing out here?
-Lieutenant's asking the questions.
We're charged with apprehending....
We're charged with apprehending hostiles
and recovering stolen property...
...retrieving white captives
taken in hostile raidings.
-There are no hostiles.
-We will ascertain that for ourselves.
If you'll guide us to these camps
and serve as an interpreter...
...your conduct will be re-evaluated.
-What conduct?
-With all due respect--
Your status as a traitor might improve
should you choose...
...to cooperate with the United States Army.
There's nothing for you to do out here.
Are you willing to cooperate or not?
Speak up!
I am Dances With Wolves.
What's that?
I have nothing to say to you.
You are not worth talking to.
Sergeant, form a detail
and take this man down to the river.
-Let him clean up his face.
-Yes, sir.