We'll need
some sponges.
O.K., I got 'em.
We'll get ready.
Let's check
the eyes.
Get a gurney
in here.
Right there.
Straight in.
Next, we have
a 30, 35-year-old male,
no I.D.,
no medical history.
He was found
on the riverbank
just south of the city.
There are homeless
and indigents there.
We get three no-names
every week.
Nobody does anything until
they become train wrecks
like Mr. John Doe here.
He's got burns
covering 40% of his body.
The hands and face
are the most severe.
Ten years ago,
pain from the burns
would have been intolerable.
He would have spent
his life screaming.
Now we use
the Rangeveritz Technique.
Quite simply,
we sever the nerves within
the spino-thalamic tract,
there... which, as you know,
transmits neural impulses
of pain and vibratory sense
to the brain.
No longer receiving
impulses of pain,
you stick him
with a pin...
And he can't
even feel it.
As in many
radical procedures,
there are serious side
effects to this operation.
When the body
ceases to feel,
when so much
sensory input is lost,
the mind grows hungry.
Starved of
its regular diet of input,
it takes the only remaining
stimulation it has...
the emotions...
and amplifies them,
giving rise to alienation
and loneliness.
Uncontrolled rage
is not uncommon.
Now surges of adrenaline
flow unchecked
through the body and brain,
giving him
augmented strength.
Hence, the restraints.
Naturally, we give them
every chance of recovery.
Remain optimistic,
inspire confidence,
talk to him about
rehabilitation potential.