Yo, Pauly.
Hey, Durant wants to know
where Rick is,
and he is hot.
I mean really hot.
Don't ask me why.
I know
he likes Ricky.
Pauly, do you know
where the hell Rick is?
You O.K., Pauly?
Here's the cash.
Pauly, we've been very
concerned about you.
Hey, Mr. Durant.
I must've overslept.
I'm sorry. I guess
I missed the pickup, huh?
Where's the money,
What money? L... I didn't
make the pickup.
And first class.
How delightful.
And another one
for Rick.
Well. That explains
his disappearance.
Hey, I don't know
nothing about that.
Where is the money, Pauly?
What money?
I swear, Mr. Durant,
I didn't make
the pickup.
I've been here sleeping.
I swear to God.
Why... I don't even know
how I got dressed!
Well, Pauly...
have a nice flight.