I love your hair like that.
It's beautiful when
you wear it that way.
Come on.
I'm late.
Mom, Kyle will be driving me
to riding class after school.
If it makes you
feel any better...
she's a lot harder on me
when we're alone.
Come here. I want to talk...
She's still going out with Kyle?
I never liked that kid.
Kids his age are supposed
to be cocky, full of life.
You know what I mean?
Trouble is with Kyle,
he thinks too much.
We can't all be full
of surprises like you.
Kyle's reliable.
If she marries
someone like him...
she won't have to worry
about him running off...
with some female half his age.
Of course, I'm only quoting.
That is not fair, Nora.
So Karen is 24 years old.
So what?
Is that what you still think
life has to be, Tim, fair?
Jesus Christ. When are
you gonna grow up?
Well, I am trying.
Look, I came to tell you
that Karen is over.
I've broken up with her.
Poor baby. Abandoned
at her tender age.
The truth is, I came this
morning hoping we could talk.
What are we doing? Wrestling?
You always make sure you're
not here when I pick up Zack.
We have nothing more
to say to each other.
If you want to talk to me,
talk, and then leave me alone.
They're at it again.
Go put on your pants, OK?
Please, Tim, not that!
Well, what do you want?
What I have always wanted...
somebody that I can trust!