Glad you could join us, Tracy.
We thought you'd be
much more comfortable meeting us here
in the basement of your girlfriend's
while she's away at work.
You know, Dick--
You mind if I call you Dick?
My associates here would very much
like to see you have a little accident.
But I tell 'em no.
I'll take care of Tracy myself,
I tell 'em. You know why?
I want you on my side!
And let me tell you what my side is.
My side is a lifetime of action
and adventure with no clock to punch.
It's treatin' that gal of yours
one hundred percent.
She should be treated like a princess,
protected like a baby.
- You gonna put
all that money down there?
- Fifteen thousand clams.
- It's a deal.
- Fifteen thousand clams!
Welcome to new waters, Dick! We're gonna
run one hell of a ship with you aboard.
There's a big world out there,
and it's up for sale, all of it.
All we gotta do is make sure
that the people know...
I'm the one
big enough to run it.
And that you are guilty of attempting
to bribe an officer of the law.
- Hey, hey!
- Not so fast, copper.
- You dumb dick.
- Let's give it to 'im!
- Okay, boys!
- Do it!
You have just said goodbye to oxygen.
You silly, stupid cop.
You refuse me?
I offer you the keys to a kingdom...
and you tell me
you're an officer of the law.
I am the law! Me!
Boys, you guaranteed me that
this is gonna look like an accident.
Don't disappoint me.
So long, sucker.
- You should've made the deal.
- Yeah!
You're gonna have
one terrible accident, Tracy.
You think they're gonna find your body?
- Dumb dick.
- I didn't think Tracy'd take a bribe.