Dick Tracy

Sam, Mrs Trueheart said
Tess left there a long time ago.

Has somebody checked
Route Three for accidents?

Right, Tracy.
We gotta talk about
this orphanage business.

- Who wants--
- Tracy, did you get the sketch?

Yes, I got the sketch. I got both
sketches. They're both the same sketch.

Forget the sketch!
Check Route Three for accidents!

- We're working on it, Tracy.
- Don't work on it, do it!

- Right.
- Right.

I sure hope she comes back to him.
I've never seen him like this.

The welfare office called again.
I'm not supposed to keep you
out of the orphanage.

Yes, and then send the letter
to District Attorney Fletcher.

- Can you do it?
- Oh!

- I can do anyone's handwriting.
- All right. Tracy's handwriting.

Write this: "District Attorney Fletcher,
I have evidence that will destroy you.

Bring $10,000
to room 429, Midway Hotel."

Bring $10,000...
to room 429, Midway Hotel.
