Dick Tracy

I'm looking, Pat.
The ceiling must be 20 feet high.

All I know is addition
What are you doing down there?
Tracy, what are you doing down there?
Hey, boss,
why are we surrounded by cops?

- Cops?
- A billion of 'em!
- This is it! Burn the records!

Lock all the doors!
This is your fault.

They're forcing me to use you
as a hostage. Break out the guns!

Geez, boss. Tracy-- Tracy's girl?
Someone set us up. They're gonna
get us on a kidnapping rap.

- Gimme a tommy.
- All of us! We gotta get outta here.
- Get outta my way.

- Get outta my way!
- I like Tracy.

- I had a meeting with him once.
Did he tell you?
- Come on, you.

- Let me tell you. I may just
put a bullet through your head.
- Let's go!

- What do you weigh, Pat?
- I don't know. About 195, 196,
something like that.

- How much?
- Two-ten.

I find counting a bore
Keep the number mounting
Your accountant does the counting

More, more
The only way to get into this joint,
Chief, is to bust our way in.

- Jump.
- What?

- Jump.
- Jump?

- Music too
- Keep your mouth shut, woman!

- You don't say nothing to nobody.
- Just as much

- You may think they got us surrounded,
- As before
- but I'm gettin' out of this.

- I've got my guy and my sky of blue
- Watch it. Move it, woman!

Now, however, I own the view
Come on. Just jump.
All right. This is it.
Come out with your hands
over your head.

Them coppers are never gonna take me
alive. We're making a break for it.

Come out with your hands
over your heads.

This is it. The jig is up!
