Powell here.
Take that Twinkie
out ofyour mouth and grab a pencil.
(laughs) Hey, John, how are you doing?
Holly stood me up a day
and l'm here alone in DC...
..with my in-laws.
Eh, the old in-laws, huh?
They do love
their policemen son-in-laws.
Listen, Al, what is the fax machine
number there at the station?
555 3212.
3212. Hold on a second, all right?
l want to send you something.
Excuse me.
You andfaxes? This is a first.
Holly told me l should wake up
and smell the nineties.
- This way?
- No. That way.
- Wait. lt's upside-down.
- lt doesn't matter.
OK, here it comes.
l'm sending you something now.
Hold on a second, cowboy.
We've gotan unidentifiedstiffhere.
l've circled the whorls in pen
in case the transmission's fuzzy.
Run it through State and Federal,
and ifyou can, lnterpol.
Will do. Well, what's this about?
Oh, just a feeling l have.
Ouch. When you get those feelings,
insurance companies start to go bankrupt.
Listen, the, uh, fax number is...
On the top ofthe transmission...
On the top ofthe transmission you just got.
Oh, an airport, huh?
You're not pissing
in somebody's pool, are you?
Yeah, and l'm fresh out of chlorine.
Just as this storm starts breaking,...