Oh, Jesus! They've reset
ground level, minus 200 feet.
(Stuart) Windsorflight 114.
This is Dulles approach.
Do you copy?
Dulles approach, this is Windsor 114.
- Where the devil have you been?
- Windsor 114.
We've been righthere allalong, oldbuddy.
Our systems have onlyjust
came back on line.
Windsor 114,
you are cleared for lLS approach,...
..runway two-niner.
Contact Dulles towerfrequency
at the outermarker.
Jesus Christ,
he's gonna crash the plane!
Roger, approach, andabout time.
l've got 230 people up here
flying on petrol fumes.
Roger, 114. Understand.
- Calibrate Dulles altimeter...
- Oh, Jesus.
They'll fly right into the concrete.
Son of a bitch!
Why are they listening to him?
- lt's our frequency!
- Dulles, this is Windsor 114.
This is Dulles tower.
We have radar contact...
- Give me your coat!
- Windsor 114, standby...
What are you going to do?
Whatever l can.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we've started our descent.
We're sorry for the inconvenience,...
..but we'llallbe on the groundshortly.
Thank you.
Please keep your seat belts on.
We've made arrangements
for your next flight,...
..so you won't miss it, OK?
ln your seat, please.
Come on, in your seat.
Oh, hey.
We're just like British Rail, love.
We may be late, but we get you there.
Don't worry.
Good luck, McClane!