..in America's fight against cocaine.
That battle may be almost won,
but the war is still in doubt.
Samantha Coleman, WNTW,
for Night-Time News.
- Roger that, Colonel. Out.
- (beep)
That was the Colonel.
Everyone's in position.
How's the weather?
We got flurries all along
the Virginia coast.
New storm front coming in
from the northeast.
- God loves the infantry.
- Amen.
Carry out your assignments.
- 15.51. Mark.
- Check.
Hey, it's cold out there, man!
I stomped my feet for five minutes.
Two cappuccinos. Make it fast.
- Scotch straight up, please.
- Excuse me, officers.
This may sound like a wild-goose chase,
but I think I saw...
Saw what?
Elvis. Elvis Presley.