Die Hard 2: Die Harder

- Captain Lorenzo?
- Yeah.

- I'm John McClane...
- Yeah, I know who you are.

You're the asshole that just broke
seven FAA and five district regulations...

..running around my airport
with a gun, shooting at people.

What do you call that shit?
What, you think that LA badge...
..is going to get you a free lunch
or something around here?

Maybe a little professional courtesy.
Huh! In an airport on Christmas week?
You've got to be kidding.
OK, fuck courtesy.
How about being professional?

Your boys just walked away
from a crime scene.

You can't wrap this up in ten minutes.
You got to seal the area off,
dust for prints...

Hey, don't lecture me, hotshot.
I know what I'm doing.
We're going to dust it down.

We'll take all the pictures.
We'll sweep for fibres.

When will you do this?
After 400 people go through?

You'd be lucky to get a print
from one of your people.

- Shut down that area...
- Oh, shut the area down.

It's that simple, huh?
Just shut the area down?

Yeah, and I got everybody
from the Shriners' convention...

..to the goddamn Boy Scouts in here!
I got lost kids, lost dogs...
Not now! Later!
I got international diplomats.
I got a fucking reindeer flying in here
from the fucking petting zoo!

But John McClane,
he's got a little problem.

Let's shut down
the whole fucking airport!

What do you think they'll say
upstairs when I tell them that?

Phone and find out.
I don't need fucking forensics to tell me
this was some punk stealing luggage!

That punk pulled a Glock 7 on me.

That's a porcelain gun made in Germany.
It doesn't show up
on airport x-ray machines...

..and costs more
than you make in a month.

You'd be surprised what I make in a month.
If it's more than $1.98...
Hey, McClane, don't start
believing your own press, huh?

Yeah, I know all about you
and that Nakatomi thing in LA.

But just because the TV thinks
you're hot shit, that don't make it so.

Look, you are in my little pond now,...
..and I am the big fish that runs it.
So you capped some lowlife.
