- Get me on the air.
- How?
You figure it out!
Here's the manifest.
McClane, I know how you must feel.
I wanted to help those people.
I was pretty goddamn useless.
We called the government for help.
They're going to send in
a Special army unit.
A counter terrorist team.
Your wife's plane...
They're still broadcasting,
even though we can't answer.
They're going to run
out of fuel in 90 minutes.
Listen, Dick. That is your name(?)
If you're going
to continue to get this close,...
..could you switch after shaves?
Anything else?
Stronger mouthwash might be nice.
(TV) And here's Sam Coleman
reporting live from the accident.
Colonel, they've done
everything we've anticipated...
..so far.
But still there has been no official word.
Despite the fact that only one runway
has been closed due to the tragedy,...
..several dozen airliners are visible,
endlessly circling the field.
Other reports say there was trouble
in the tower before the crash...