They develop these gland things,
their bodies swell up...
They go crazy.
Yeah, glands.
I try not to think about it.
Good, isn't it?
Now, you stay in Kevin's room tonight
and tomorrow we'll fix your room right up.
Why did you have to bring him here?
I couldn't have left him all alone.
You'd have done the same.
Why does he have to stay here?
My goodness, Kim, I'm surprised at you.
He can't help the way he is.
- Have a little sympathy.
- I do have sympathy.
Then say a little greeting.
Come downstairs, shake the man's hand...
- Shake his hand?!
- Well, not literally.
- Goodness, you scared him half to death!
- I scared him to death?
Hi, Bill! I just wanted you two
to have a proper introduction.
Edward, this is our daughter Kim.
Kim, this is Edward,
who's gonna live with us.
Kisses! Hush up!
Quiet now!
Darlin', I can hardly hear myself think!
Momma's precious little baby girl...