- How are you doing, Mannus?
- Fine.
I've been meaning to ask you,
are you dating anyone?
- Identify.
- Costodiaphragmatic recess.
Is it offensive
if I make conversation?
Sometimes it's nice to open up.
Like old Lenny here, he's open.
- Identify.
- Pylorus.
I've heard all the rumours and
nicknames about you, Rachel.
I'm sure you're a very warm woman.
Not in the least bit repressed.
- Identify.
- Your brains.
You want to come over to my place?
Dr. Hurley,
I need a word with Dr. Mannus.
- I already said no to this.
- Steckle and Hurley are in.
Two of the top
GPA's in the school.
I need you to handle the injections
and the I . V.
I have no interest
in watching you kill yourself.
I think you do.
Good morning, class.
Today's exam will be scaled.
Three A's will be given,
five B's and ten C's.
The remaining four
will get D's and F's.
As in life, you're competing not
with me, yourself or this exam, -
- but with each other.
There are a lot of others who'd
like to make a name for themselves.
It's a shame that the people with
the ability don't have the nerve.
- All right, we'll be there.
- Speak for yourself, Joseph.
Sure, it'll be dramatic, Nelson.
You'll cry or faint, puke at best.
But then what?
I don't think you have the balls.