It doesn't surprise me.
We had Elvis in here last night.
Pay when you're ready, okay?
- Was it difficult getting back?
- Not that I remember.
But you remember everything else?
I think you guys are full of shit.
- I'm not buying any of this.
- I wouldn't buy it either ...
... unless I'd been there.
So what about it, Dave?
- An atheist has nothing to lose.
- I'm going next.
Nobody's going next. You're looking
for answers where there are none.
You just saw what you wanted to see.
Give it up. It's too dangerous.
We can't turn back now.
I'm going further. 1:50.
Two minutes ...
I changed my mind. Two minutes.
- 2:10.
- 2:20.
It looks like we found a winner.
Enjoying yourself, Nelson?
Joe ...
Was there anything negative
about your experience?
No. Nothing.
- Hold on.
- Was that your idea of chivalry?
- Were you trying to show me up?
- Not everything is about you.