So, what happened
to you?
You're new, huh?
I could tell.
Are you talking to me?
Relax. It ain't
like before.
It's a whole new
ball of wax.
Who are you?
I'm waiting
for my wife.
She's in the cardiac wing.
She's fighting it.
Shot, huh?
That'll do it every time.
Poor bastard.
You may as well
get used to it.
You could be here
for a long while.
Come here.
I'll tell you a secret.
Doors ain't so bad.
Zip, zap--
they ain't nothing.
You'll see.
You'll catch on.
This patient's fibrillating.
Let's move it.
Give me
the paddles.
He ain't
going to make it.
I've seen it
a million times.
He's a goner.
He's still
You see?
Here they come.
Lucky bastard.
It could have been
the other ones.
You never know.
Who are--