They weren't like anybody else.
They did whatever they wanted.
They parked in front of hydrants
and never got a ticket.
When they played cards all night...
...nobody ever called the cops.
Tony Stacks. How are you?
Tuddy Cicero.
Could this be the Canarsie Kid?
Tuddy ran the cabstand
and the Bella Vista Pizzeria...
...and other places for his brother, Paul,
who was the boss of the neighborhood.
Paulie might have moved slow...
...but it was only because Paulie
didn't have to move for anybody.
-lt's your fault.
-You started it!
I started it? It's your fault.
At first my parents loved that I found
a job across the street from the house.
My father, who was Irish,
was sent to work at the age of 11.
He liked that I got myself a job.
He always used to say
that American kids were spoiled lazy.
Henry! Watch how you cross!
Bring back milk!
My mother was happy after
she found out the Ciceros...
...came from the same part of Sicily
as she did. To my mother...
...that was the answer to all her prayers.
I was the luckiest kid in the world.
I could go anywhere, do anything.
I knew everybody, and everybody knew me.
Wiseguys would pull up and Tuddy
would let me park their Cadillacs.
Here I am, this little kid,
I can't even see over the steering wheel...
...and I'm parking Cadillacs.