He'd walk in the door and everybody
who worked the room just went wild.
He'd give a doorman $100
just for opening the door.
He'd give hundreds to the dealers
and the guys who ran the games.
The bartender got $100 just
for keeping the ice cubes cold.
The Irishman is here
to take you Guineas' money.
-Want a drink?
-Give me a Seven and Seven.
I'd like you to meet the kid Henry.
How you doin'?
Thank you.
Keep them coming.
Jimmy was one of the most
feared guys in the city.
He was first locked up at 11,
and doing hits for mob bosses at 16.
Hits never bothered Jimmy.
It was business.
But what Jimmy really loved to do...
what he really loved to do was steal.
He actually enjoyed it.
Jimmy was the kind of guy who rooted
for the bad guys in movies.
Give me your wallet.
You might know who we are,
but we know who you are.
He was one of the city's biggest hijackers...
...of booze, cigarettes, razor blades,
shrimp and lobsters.
Shrimp and lobsters were best.
They went fast.
Almost all of them were gimmies.
They just gave it up, no problem.
They called him Jimmy the Gent.
Help the lady.
Drivers loved him.
They used to tip him off...
...about the really good loads.
Of course, everybody got a piece.
Thanks, I'll be back for the rest later.
Henry, come here.
Say hello to Tommy.
You're gonna be working together, okay?
Help him. Go ahead.
Jimmy, you got anything good?
And when the cops assigned a whole
army to stop Jimmy, what did he do?
He made them partners.
I'd complain, but who'd listen?
-What do you need?
-Two Luckys.
-Here you go, Henry.
-Thanks a lot.