
Because he wanted to get away from her.
Let me tell you something.
Nobody goes to jail unless they want to.

Unless they make themselves get caught.
They don't have things organized.
I know what I'm doing.

You know who goes to jail? Nigger
stickup men. Know why they get caught?

Because they fall asleep
in the getaway car.

Come on, don't worry so much, sweetie.
Come here.

After a while, it got to be all normal.
None of it seemed like crimes.
Henry was just enterprising.
He and the guys made bucks
hustling while other guys...

...sat on their asses waiting for handouts.
Our husbands weren't brain surgeons,
just blue-collar guys...

The only way they could make real extra
money was to go out and cut corners.

Where's the strong box, you varmint?
Don't fucking move! Don't move!
-See you at the diner.
-I'm riding shotgun.

Did you see him give it right over?
Back to the hideout to split up the loot.
We were all very close.
There were never any outsiders around.
Absolutely never.

Being together all the time made
everything seem all the more normal.

I'm Detective Deacy. This is Detective
Silvestri. We have a search warrant.

Would you read and sign it?
We have to go through everything.
You want some coffee?
No coffee now, thanks.
-Be careful.
-We'll just go about our business.

There was always a little harassment.
