
I'm only kidding. We're having a party.
I haven't seen you in a long time
and you get fucking fresh.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
I'm sorry, too.
Now go home and get your fucking
shine box.

Motherfucking mutt!
You fucking piece of shit!
Come on, come on!
He bought his fucking button!
That fake old tough guy!

You bought your fucking button!
-Don't get nervous.
-You motherfucker!

Keep that motherfucker here!
Keep him here!

Come on, you fucking feel strong?
Sorry. Tommy gets a little loaded.
He doesn't mean any disrespect.

He doesn't mean any disrespect?
Are you nuts?

Teach this kid a little fucking manners!
What's right is right.

-You understand what I'm saying?
-lt's alright.

We're hugging and kissing over here
and then he acts like a fucking jerk.

You insulted him a little bit.
You got a little out of order.

-I didn't.
-You insulted him a little.

-I didn't insult anybody. Give us a drink.

Let's have some drinks.
Drinks on the house.

No, have the drink with me.
The drinks are on the house.
I fucked kids like that in the can.
In the ass.

Fucking break up my party.
You been away for six years.
It's different now.

I did my fucking time, Jimmy.
I came home and I want what I got to get.
I got mouths to feed.

-You're gonna get it.
-You understand?

Get the door!
Let me shoot him
in his big, fucking mouth!

Let's shoot him.
