Sometimes, even if people didn't
get out of line, they got whacked.
Hits became a habit.
Guys would argue over nothing.
Before you knew it, one was dead.
They were shooting each other all the time.
Shooting people was a normal thing.
It was no big deal.
We had a serious problem with Billy Batts.
This was really a touchy thing.
Tommy killed a made guy.
Batts was part of the Gambino crew
and considered untouchable.
Before you touched a made guy,
you needed a good reason.
You had to get an okay...
...or you'd get whacked.
Saturday night was for wives, but...
...Friday night at the Copa
was for the girlfriends.
We saw Sammy Davis, Jr. You got to see
this show. What a performer!
He does impersonations.
It was like the real people!
Unbelievable. You could see how
a white girl could fall for him.
Not me. But you could see how some
girls could. Like that Swedish girl.
So you condone that stuff.
Take it easy.
I don't want to be kissing
Nat King Cole over here.
I don't mean me.
But, you know, he's got personality.
He's talented.
I understand what you're saying.
But watch what you say.
People get the wrong impression.
I just said he was talented.
Just leave it alone now.
He's talented. Leave it at that.
"Pretend you don't see her, my heart
"Although she is coming
"Our way
"Pretend you don't need her