
No divorce. She'll never divorce him.
She'll kill him, but not divorce him.
You going to pay us?
Give us the fucking money!
I can't.
Let's go.
We'll throw the bastard to the lions.
Lions? I ain't going near any lions!
Throw him over the moat.
I'll get the money!
They must really feed each other to the
lions, 'cause he gave the money right up.

I'll get the money.
We spent the rest of the weekend
at the track.

They mean business.
Then, I couldn't believe what happened.
When we got home,
we were all over the newspaper.

At first I didn't even know why
we got picked up.

Then I found out the guy we roughed up...
...had a sister working as a typist
for the FBI.

I couldn't believe it. Of all people.
She gave up everybody.
Jimmy, me. Even her brother.

It took the jury six hours
to bring us in guilty.

The judge gave us ten years,
like he was giving away candy.

Ten years in a federal penitentiary.
You will now be turned over...
:06:27 the U.S. Attorney General.
Toast, guys. Good trip,
good life. Get out soon.

Good trip, sweetheart.
We'll watch the home front.
Say hello to those blow-job hacks.
Motherfuck them every chance you get.
I'll call you when I get a chance.
