-All right.
Yeah. Of course.
It took me a week of sneaking around
to unload the Pittsburgh stuff.
But when I did, it was a real score.
I used Sandy's place to mix the stuff.
Even with Sandy snorting more than she
mixed, I saw this was a good business.
I made $12,000 in my second week.
I had a down payment on my house
and things were rolling.
All I had to do was once in a while
tell Sandy I loved her.
It was perfect.
As long as I got the stuff from Pittsburgh,
Paulie would never find out.
Within a couple of weeks
it got so big I needed some help.
I got Jimmy and Tommy
to come in with me.
It's fucking great.
You bring your pay slips?
Four and a half months of dirt.
-lt's so good.
-I did it.
-Do you love it?
-lt's wonderful.
This we had to have made special.
Go ahead, sit in it.
The others you couldn't even sit in.
Okay, ready?
Watch the wall with the rock.
The electricians did it special. Come on.
This was imported. It came in two pieces.
Do you believe what they can do?
-Nice, huh?
-Come here. Did you and Jimmy talk?
He's looking into everything.
It'll make the Air France hold
look like peanuts.
Come on.
-He'll do it, right?
-I told you.
He's looking into it.
We'll see what happens. No promises.
Do you understand?
There's millions in there.