Don't start. You know I got to go
do this thing. Where are my keys?
Over there.
It's a mess. It's like a pig pen.
Why do you think I got you a dishwasher?
Fucks up my nails.
You got to be smart.
There's enough powder here
to put us away forever.
Loosen up.
What are you doing?
You don't have to go anywhere.
Make them wait.
Nobody knows for sure how much
was taken in the pre-dawn raid...
...at the Lufthansa cargo terminal
at Kennedy Airport.
The FBI says $2,000,000,
Port Authority Police say $4,000,000.
Those sons of bitches!
...from the scene of the heist at JFK.
It looks like a big one. Maybe the biggest
this town has ever seen.
Come here, you! Come here!
Look at this genius. This genius!
Merry Christmas, Jimmy!
-Who's this?
-This is my wife.
Come here. I want to show you something,
Isn't she gorgeous? I bought it
for my wife. It's a coupe. I love that car.
What did I tell you?
I talked to you, didn't I?
Didn't I say not to go buy anything
for a while? The fucking car?
It's a wedding gift from my mother.
It's under her name. I just got married.
-I love that car.
-Excuse me for a second.
-I just got married.
-Are you nuts?
-Why are you getting excited?
-Are you stupid?
We got a million fucking bulls out there.
Everyone's watching us.
It's under my mother's name.
It's a wedding gift.
I don't give a fuck.
Didn't you hear what I said?