Morrie, you'll get your money.
You just got to stop busting balls.
All right. You hear me?
Everything's going to be fine.
"Oh, Henry boy, the pipes,
the pipes are calling"
Half Mick, half Guinea?
I'll sing with an ltalian accent.
"And down the glen,
the glen and down the mountainside
"The summer's gone
"And all the roses dying"
I could see for the first time
that Jimmy was a nervous wreck.
His mind was going in eight
different directions at once.
Think Morrie tells his wife everything?
Morrie? Him?
That's when I knew Jimmy
was going to whack Morrie.
That's how it happens. That's how fast
it takes for a guy to get whacked.
He's a nut job. He talks to everybody.
He's always acting like a jerk.
Nobody listens to what he says.
Nobody cares what he says,
he talks so much.
Make sure you bring him here tonight.
-All right.
Start like this. Sorry.
Did I get you in the eye?
Stop breaking my balls.
I was just stalling for time.
I knew I had 'til eight or nine o'clock
to talk Jimmy out of killing Morrie.
But meanwhile, as far as Jimmy knew,
I was going along with the program.
I pulled out his hair. I bit him.
He's out cold.