
-What'd he say?

What does she do after she hangs up?
After everything I told her?
After all her "yeah, yeah" bullshit?

She calls from the house. If anyone
was listening they'd know everything.

They'd know a package was leaving my
house and they'd have the flight number.

As soon as I got home, I started cooking.
I had a few hours until Lois' flight.
I told my brother to watch on the stove.
All day long the poor guy's been
watching helicopters and tomato sauce.

I had to drive over to Sandy's,
mix the stuff, then get back to the gravy.

Do you think you can come over,
fuck me, then leave?

-Got someplace better to go?
-Don't talk like that. Come on.

-You all right?

You believe me?
Do you believe me?
-That's the last one?

You lying son of a bitch! I hate you!
Please stop feeding the dog
from the table...

...from the plate on top of it. Stop it.
-I have to.
-You don't have to.

I got to go home.
What do you mean you got to go home?
We got to tape this stuff to your leg.
We got to go soon.

I got to go home and get my hat.
Forget your fucking hat!
Are you kidding me?

I need a trip to Rockaway
because you want your hat?

I got to have it. It's my lucky hat.
I never fly without it.
