These sons of bitches piss
on tracking poison.
They piss on it to warn
their little fucker friends.
Take it from me.
There's only one way
to deal with their kind.
On their own terms.
I first met up with them
back in...
Con Thien myself.
Big as puppies,
and they had no fear.
Not of death, nothing.
like the Cong.
And I ain't one of them
burnin' baby flashback fuckups...
you see Bruce Dern playing,
so quit your grinning.
the conditions, being what they were
back then, we had little choice.
We shared the land...
we shared our food
with the fuckers...
and they turn around,
stabbing us in the back...
by going to work for the VC.
That's right.
'Cause the VC...
would reward them with a hot meal.
do you have any idea
what a VC rat eats?
Try raw American...
hold the mayo, thank you.
The Cong...
had a way of serving up a meal...
real nice and fancy.
They'd stake one of our boys
to the ground...
through his hands,
through his feet.