Green Card

Height, five feet seven.
- Five eight.
- Five eight.

- Weight, 140 pounds.
- No!

- Huh?
- No, 125.

- Twenty-five?
- Yeah.

- Brown.
- Brown, yeah.

- Small scar on your ankle.
- How did you know?

I know. I saw it.
Birthday, 24th August, 1959.
Correct. Okay, my turn.
Uh, eyes, green.
- Height...
- Nose, big!

- Oh, no!
- Yes, sure it is.

- Height, five eleven.
- Yeah.

Um, weight?
Oof! Weight!
You worry too much about weight.

- Um, at 17, you met Helene.
- Yeah.

She was at the University of Paris.
- She taught you to read and write music.
- Mm-hmm.

- And you lived together
for seven years, until she died.
- S-Seven. Seven years, yeah.

And then you gave up your music
for many years, right?

Yes, but I don't write any music.
I just play piano,
always in the bars.

- And Anton heard you
one night in Paris...
- Yeah.

And said that he would help you
start over in America.

Yes! And I wake up in America.
Beautiful country, land of opportunity.

Uh-huh, ha, ha, ha.
Okay, back to work.
Um, you live with two men.
First Peter, then Stephen.
- Both nice guy.
- Nice?

Yes, that's what you said. Yes.
And Stephen wanted to "marriage" you,
but, uh, you think that marriage
is boring.

- Ah! Except for ours.
- Oh, yeah.

Then you met, uh, Phil.
- Him you really love, huh?
- But you can't tell them that.

- And I left Phil.
- And married me, because...
