Ne, terorist ne,
a kaj političnega lahko.
To bo vžgalo.
Nič ne bova rekla.
Prijatelj sem.
Nekaj dni bom tu.
To je New York. - Prav imaš.
Spiš na kavču.
Deliva si stroške.
Jaz bom kuhal.
Well, I don't know.
Something political?
Terrorist, maybe? Hmm?
No, not a terrorist.
But political's good. A refugee.
That's it. That'll work. Yes.
No, we don't say anything.
Just a friend staying
for a couple of nights.
- This is New York.
- You're right.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, you sleep on the couch...
and we split expenses.
I'll cook, hmm? Hmm?