. . .distraught over the loss
of an officer he knew.
Terrible circumstances here
outside the emergency room. . .
. . .and a calamity-filled mob scene
of policemen. . . .
What makes people do this?
Would somebody please tell me that!
Captain Hulland!
Is he a national treasure?
Blood pressure: 70 over 40.
I get no pulse.
They always said Storm was superhuman.
Know why?
He was jacked up on coke.
I'll tell you something.
He was the cleanest man I knew.
He had more honor than
this whole department.
If I ever hear you
talk that puke again. . .
. . .I'll put you where you belong.
What the fuck is l.A. doing here?
-Taking over the show.
This is Homicide, not lnternal Affairs.
We got 2 cops down with
money and drugs all over.
This came from the commissioner.
Capt. Hulland?
Storm is dead.
O'Malley. . .
. . .I know you and Storm were tight.
For what it's worth. . .
. . .I'm sorry.
The most unstoppable
son of a bitch I ever knew.
He got stopped tonight.